March 22, 2019 Air Force unveils new infrastructure strategy to get more value for money, improve facilities The Air Force announced on March 22 a new Infrastructure Investment Strategy following a yearlong review that brings new analytical tools and focus that will enhance readiness at bases worldwide.
Feb. 19, 2019 Air Force formalizes policy on retention of non-deployable Airmen In accordance with Department of Defense policy on military retention of non-deployable service members, the Air Force implemented its guidance in a memo signed Feb. 19.
Feb. 8, 2019 CMSAF Wright testifies before Congress on Air Force quality of life Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright told members of Congress at Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., Feb. 7, that issues such as adequate base housing, reliable child care and other quality of life factors are “inextricably linked” to the service’s readiness.
Feb. 4, 2019 Air Force ends promotion testing for E-7 and above The Air Force announced today it is removing the Weighted Airman Promotion System testing requirement for active-duty promotions to the grades of E-7 through E-9, beginning this fall with the 2019 E-9 promotion cycle.
Jan. 23, 2019 Air Force makes updates to enlisted evaluation policies The Air Force recently updated evaluation policies for enlisted Airmen, refining the process and requirements for enlisted performance reports.
Jan. 23, 2019 Air Force announces fiscal year 2019 aviation bonuses The Air Force announced Jan. 23 the details of the fiscal year 2019 Aviation Bonus program.
Jan. 11, 2019 Email in the cloud: CHES phase 1 completion On Nov. 8, 2018, the Air Force Network Integration Center, or AFNIC, concluded the first phase of the Air Force’s transition to Cloud Hosted Enterprise Services, completing the migration of 555,000 continental U.S. based Air Force hosted e-mail accounts to a Microsoft Office 365 collaboration
Jan. 9, 2019 AF-wide lodging rate increase effective Jan. 1 Effective Jan. 1, the Air Force Lodging Program has increased nightly lodging rates service-wide in support of Department of Defense reform objectives to make business operations more efficient and provide Airmen with an improved lodging experience.
Jan. 8, 2019 Goldfein highlights professionalism, accomplishments of Airmen during trip to the Middle East, Southwest Asia During an extended trip to Jordan, Qatar, Iraq, Turkey and Afghanistan over the Christmas holiday, Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. David L. Goldfein found another – but different – consistent truth: an unblinking focus on the mission coupled with dedication and professionalism.
Jan. 8, 2019 Harold Brown, former secretary of defense & Air Force, shaped both institutions Harold Brown, the 14th secretary of defense who also served as the nation’s 8th secretary of the Air Force, died Jan. 4 at his home in Ranch Santa Fe, California. He was 91.