Every year as kids return to school and the rest of us return from vacations, respiratory viruses begin circulating again. The MDG has seen an increase in all of the common respiratory illnesses ((Strep A, Influenza, COVID 19, RSV, etc.) within the last couple of weeks. So this a good time to re-emphasize what Commanders and Individuals can do to limit the effects of these virus on our Members and on the Mission.
- Individuals should not come to work, enter Base facilities (workspaces) or travel TDY if sick; situational telework should be used where ever possible.
- Being up to date on both COVID and the annual Influenza vaccines will help prevent severe disease and hospitalization.
- - Walk ins are available for COVID vaccines Monday and Fridays 0730 - 1100 & 1300 - 1600
- If a member has tested positive for COVID the recommendation remains to isolate at home for 5 days.
- Live or work with a Positive COVID member and I have symptoms.
- isolate at home for 5 days, then return to work with mask wear for 5 days.
- Live or work with a Positive COVID member and I do not have symptoms.
- return to work with mask wear for 5 days
- A negative COVID-19 test is NOT needed to return to work per both CDC and DoD guidance.
- It is recommended that all members with respiratory symptoms wear a mask for ten full days from symptom onset in public and work spaces.
- Individual Members are always free to wear masks based on personal health risk or concerns.
- Masks are required for ALL patients entering Medical Group facilities with a respiratory illness.
- The Medical Group (MDG) offers care and diagnostic testing for all of the common respiratory illnesses.
- Active Duty and Beneficiaries can set up an appointment with their Care Team by calling 618-256-Well (9355) or utilizing sick call services.
- The Scott AFB Clinic offers sick calls for new onset symptoms, those that have begun in the last 72 hours. Sick call is not for referrals, prescription renewals, follow-up visits, chronic conditions, or non-symptomatic COVID 19 testing.
- Active Duty Sick Call:
- Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 8.00 a.m. (Check-in at main clinic entrance)
- Flight Medicine Sick Call:
- Monday through Friday, 7:30 – 8.00 a.m. (Check-in at main clinic entrance)
- Beneficiary Sick Call: (Patients age 18+ with a Primary Care Manager in Beneficiary Care Clinic)
- Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. (Check-in at Internal Medicine/Beneficiary clinic front desk.)
- O’Fallon Family Medicine (OFMC) Sick Call:
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
- Check-in at OFMC, located on the 4th floor of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital
- If at any point an individual has shortness of breath, chest pain, and/or a bluish tint to skin, lips or nail beds call 911 or go to the nearest emergency facility.
- If there are any questions or for additional information please contact the 375 MDG Public Health Flight at 256-4986 or visit the CDC COVID 19 website Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)|CDC.