CBRN training during COVID operations help maintain battle readiness Published Oct. 21, 2020 By Airman 1st Class Shannon Moorehead, 375th Air Mobility wing SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. – Chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear attacks are some of the most hostile environments service members may be exposed to in a combat zone, and which is why training must continue despite COVID pandemic restrictions. Known as CBRN for short, this training teaches basic threat knowledge and proper emergency preparedness skills in the event of a real-world situation. CBRN instructors such as Staff Sgt. Collin Hinnant, 375th Civil Engineer Squadron emergency management operations section lead, trains service members so that they are properly equipped with the knowledge to survive. “This training helps maintain battle readiness by ensuring that our members are familiar and comfortable with the protective equipment so that they can safely operate in a CBRN environment,” he said. The training covers three areas which are: CBRN hazards, protective equipment and CBRN attack actions. These instructor-led courses provide individual and team performance-based objectives that posture military members so that they can continue the mission while preventing exposures to the various agents. For additional safety through the pandemic, the 375th CES decreased class sizes, and students are required to have their temperature taken before the course as well as maintain a physical distance of eight feet. Initially the 375th CES stopped all classes in March, however after adapting innovative measures to ensure the safety of students, they were able to resume their mission in April with smaller sizes. Patrick Hanlon, 375th CES emergency management training section lead, said that with fewer students going through the course, they have increased course frequency so they can maintain readiness and that they are on track to meet training goals.