This is the season to reach out to others Published Dec. 14, 2016 By Chaplain (Capt.) Brent Mulder 375th Air Mobility Wing Chapel We are in a season of preparation as we approach the end of year holidays. Units are having holiday parties, families are hanging lights, individuals are decorating their offices, and everyone is making a list. In the midst of all the busyness, joy abounds. Anticipation is brewing. Children are fixated on their countdowns and asking “Mommy and Daddy, do we get to open presents yet?” Does it get any better than this? If we take a closer look around us though, we see people who aren’t excited, and they have good reason to feel this way. These people are in need of basic necessities, missing a loved one who has passed away, hoping the family drama at the annual get-together will not reach its climax, and saddened that they will not be able to spend the holidays with their children due to custody agreements. To a certain extent, each of us is aware of people in these situations. The person may be sitting next to you in the office, he may be a relative, or she may be an acquaintance on Facebook. For some, these situations may be more personal and hit closer to home. They might even happen to be your situation. The “he or she” next door may in fact be you. During this season let’s count our blessings. Let’s give back to others. Let’s reach out. Let’s broaden our vision to see those around us in need. We are Airmen! We are wingmen! We take care of each other! Thank you to those who are doing something to help spread some tangible love and support to those people in need. As I wander around base, I see lots of food and clothing drives, blood drives, Toys for Tots, and many other worthy causes that people are contributing to. I also hear lots of people making plans to volunteer at shelters, inviting others into their homes for celebrations, and making charitable contributions. Thank you! Thank you for reaching out and caring for others. That is how we lift each other!