May 25, 2021 Unplug to re-charge…you need it! All too often I see Airmen taking their laptops home with them over the weekend or while heading out the door on leave. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard phrases such as “I’m just on local leave, so call me if you need anything” or “I’ve got my phone/computer with me if anything comes
April 26, 2021 The Power of Positivity…Be the Change! Lt. Col. Tony Lawrence, 375th Medical Support Squadron commander, talks about why he joined the Air Force and the power of positivity.
Jan. 20, 2021 Resilience skills can help keep positive focus during turbulent times Resiliency is our ability to adapt and bounce back when things seem dark or don't go as planned and building resiliency is acquiring the tools necessary to handle whatever comes in our path. Resilient people don't dwell on headlines of doom and gloom and they don’t let influencers, media pundits, or
Nov. 5, 2020 Resources for any kind of weather Life throws all sorts of things at you. In August of 2011, my wife, Shannon, was diagnosed with breast cancer.