Oct. 13, 2021 Copious Feedback, Up, Down and Sideways A commentary by Lt. Col Ryan Schiffner, 375th Communications Squadron commander speaks about feedback as a fundamental pillar of good leadership.
July 12, 2021 Make the Time: Think, Connect, & Care SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- A couple of months ago I participated in a professional development course where the instructor posed an ice breaker question. He asked, “What’s a movie you can recite word-for-word?” The catch was you couldn’t duplicate anyone else’s response. My first answer was
May 25, 2021 Unplug to re-charge…you need it! All too often I see Airmen taking their laptops home with them over the weekend or while heading out the door on leave. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard phrases such as “I’m just on local leave, so call me if you need anything” or “I’ve got my phone/computer with me if anything comes
Dec. 15, 2020 What do you meme? Have you ever thought about how you engage in meaningful dialogue with others and whether or not it’s effective? With social distancing, staggered office schedules, shift work, and the unfortunate necessity to limit face-to-face contact due to the pandemic, it’s important now more than ever to take
Nov. 18, 2020 Developing a Resilient Warrior Mindset As a commander, one of my greatest responsibilities is to prepare my Airmen for deployment in the service of our country.
Nov. 5, 2020 Resources for any kind of weather Life throws all sorts of things at you. In August of 2011, my wife, Shannon, was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Aug. 15, 2018 Back to school: The value of life-long learning People have enough on their plate as it is and adding school can lead to anxiety and stress. Admittedly, I’ve been guilty of it myself. Perhaps you can relate.