
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month across the nation. During the month local, state, and federal agencies, along with schools, universities, and companies of all sizes will be taking part to educate everyone on how to be safe online. The 375th Communications Group and Wing Information Assurance office are leading the effort on base with activities to ensure you and your family are educated and protected.

Although the term "cyber security" sounds very high-tech, it's something everyone can and should understand. Cyber security involves protecting information online.
Everything is affected--from email to cell phones, automobile and airplane navigation, online shopping to medical records. It's more important than ever, that we stop and think, before we connect to anything. Some of the dangers include identity theft, online harassment, phishing attempts, as well as computer and mobile device viruses. The steps we can take to protect ourselves and our family will make a big difference:
Educate your children early about staying safe online.

Install and activate firewalls for your computers and internet connection.
Use the security features built in on most cell phones and ensure the phone has antivirus software.

Ensure your computers and applications stay current with the latest updates.
Practice good online habits by not visiting suspicious sites, downloading unknown files, or opening email from people you don't know.

Back up your files regularly and use strong passwords or a password manager.
To help raise cyber security awareness, the 375 Communications Group is hosting several events throughout the month:

The 375 Communications Group will host "Cyber Movie Brown Bag Lunches" on Oct. 16, 23 and 30 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the 375 Communications Group multipurpose room (Bldg. 859). Everyone is invited. Please contact Cathryn Kennedy at 256-5122 for details.

Cyber professionals from Scott AFB will brief cyber safety at area schools throughout the month.

There will be a Cyber Movie Day on Friday, Oct. 9, at the base auditorium. The cyber movie, "Black Hat" (rated R) will be playing all day.

Cyber Awareness tables and booths will be set up at various locations throughout the month and general cyber education will be disseminated to users.

Every time we log on to a computer or use a cell phone or any electronic device, we're entering a cyber battlefield. Equip yourself and your family with the knowledge to stay safe and secure. It's our shared responsibility.