Speeding—Is it worth it? Published June 13, 2012 By Tech. Sgt. Jermaine B. Goodman 375th Air Mobility Wing Safety Office SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- Did you know the third leading contributing factor to traffic crashes is speed? Speed is involved in approximately one out of three fatal crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That's more than 12,000 lives lost to speeding every year. Typical reasons drivers speed · In a rush. · Not paying attention to their driving. · Do not take traffic laws seriously, "the lead foot." · Do not think their driving behavior is dangerous. · Feel they will not get caught. In addition to the reasons listed above, some motorists believe the drive from point A to point B is an inconvenience and they simply want the time to pass quickly. Have you ever been on the road and someone blows past you, then you to catch up with them at the next red light? This is an example of how speeding does not always improve your position. Construction speed zones are ignored by many drivers. Road construction workers already have a dangerous job; speeding motorists add to their stress and workplace hazards. Recently a road construction worker was fatally injured and three more were seriously injured on I-64. Hitting a construction worker will change your life forever. Drivers who hit a construction worker are subjected to a $10,000 fine and 14 years in prison. Plan adequate time for your travels. Let's pass the word to slow down, take care of ourselves and think of others while on the road.