
Wing Commander Q&A: Hazardous duty pay, Base lake, Deer hunting permits

Please keep the questions coming!



Why does the fire department receive hazardous duty pay but security forces does not?

I believe you’re referring to Special Duty Assignment Pay, which EOD and some SFS personnel do receive. Air Force Instruction 36-3017, Assignment Incentive and Special Duty Assignment Pay, establishes the criteria for award of both of these incentive payments. For SDAP, the Air Force completed a comprehensive annual review of the program in March 2016 and determined which occupations would receive pay.

In accordance with AFI 36-3017, the Air Force Career Field Manager for a particular AFSC or MAJCOM can request that a duty be part of the SDAP program. If you feel your duty should be included, please work through you squadron leadership to review the AFI and determine if you in fact meet the criteria, and upchannel the information for consideration.

The complete list of SDAP eligible AFSCs and information is available on MyPers, at the link below: https://mypers.af.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/8659.



Is there a plan to re-invigorate the base lakes?

We have partnered with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to help manage the lakes on the installation. The plan includes regular treatment with herbicides to keep the algae growth in control, as well as fish populations surveys and restocking. We hope you enjoy your experience!


I am having trouble getting Finance to return my phone messages, can you please help?

Thank you for your question. We apologize you received less than satisfactory customer service. Improving support to all of our 13,000 military and civilian customers at Scott AFB is very important to us and an area of command focus. The 375th Comptroller Squadron’s goal is to respond to all voicemails within one business day.

The phone number to call the Finance customer service help line is 256-1851. All incoming voice messages are logged and worked on a first in/first-out basis. Another option to receive assistance is to send an e-mail to the Finance help box, finance@us.af.mil. Incoming e-mails are responded to within two business days. Finally, personnel are welcome to visit to our customer service desk in building P-10 between the hours of 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Appointments can be made outside these operating hours by calling the finance helpline or sending an e-mail to the address mentioned above. If there are any issues or concerns about our customer service, please contact the Financial Services Flight Commander at 256-7923 or Squadron Commander at 256-1922.



Is there any way to get pedestrians to look before crossing the street near USTRANSCOM and the Exchange buildings?

Thank you for your question. There are currently two cross walks between USTRANSCOM and the Exchange buildings. These crosswalks incorporate a flash-lighted crosswalk sign that pedestrians should activate before entering the crosswalk. Additionally, the Wing Safety office briefs all installation newcomers of the pedestrian hazards on base along with high traffic areas (around the Exchange for instance) during the Newcomers Orientation briefs. Finally, based on your question, the safety office will reach out to the USTRANSCOM safety representative and re-emphasis the need for vigilance when crossing the street.


Is there going to be a unit fitness challenge this year?

Thank you for your question! In the past, the 375th Force Support Squadron has hosted a Unit Fitness Challenge during the spring in which units competed amongst each other in different events. One was not planned this year in order to ensure adequate support for all of the awesome events during Scott’s Centennial year, to include the Race Through Scott’s Past, the Centennial Airshow, and the Alpha Warrior competition! The 375th FSS is currently planning a smaller-scale fitness challenge in October to coincide with that month’s First Friday at the Scott Event Center, keep an eye out for further details.


I have a few questions about the base deer hunting permit program. Of the 100 permits that are issued, 25 of them are for the Mid-America side of the base, how is this determined? What is done with the money from the permits and are there any efforts to improve the deer population? Lastly, is it possible to have an archery club on base associated with those hunting?

Thank you for your interest in the Scott Hunting Program! The deer hunting permit program is run by Ralph Texter, 375th SFS. The permit numbers are randomly selected and drawn by a disinterested party. The number of permits available does fluctuate based on needs. Scott AFB operates an archery deer season to keep the deer population healthy and at a sustainable level as not to interfere with airfield operations. The Mid-America properties are not a part of the Scott AFB archery hunting areas. Each year MA reaches out to some of the hunters from the Scott AFB hunting program to hunt their properties as a courtesy to help the MA folks curtail their deer population as well.

We use the funds obtained from hunting and fishing permits for tangible natural resources improvements such as stocking the base lakes with fish. It is not a requirement to be a member of an Archery Club to be able to hunt on the base. However, interested individuals may form an Archery Club, potentially as a private organization, at their discretion. If you have any further questions, please contact Texter at 256-0587.