There’s a lot of repeat and unnecessary info in Course 14 and Course 15. Will we have a voice in cutting it down?
Great question! Course 14 and 15 will be undergoing some significant changes and an Air Force-level team is working through those same concerns. If you identify specific areas that need further discussion, please engage through your chain of command, and we will ensure your feedback reaches leadership at the appropriate level, to include higher HHQs. In addition, the Air Force announced this week several policy changes related to Enlisted Professional Military Education including enabling 100 percent in-resident EPME opportunities for all enlisted Airmen; eliminating time in service requirements for distance learning; and instituting a new requirement called Professional Development Unit that captures diverse education, training, and life experiences. For more details about the EPME changes, please visit
Why is the PT test held in such high regard for performance reports, when it's a standard like everything else?
Thank you for your question. To your point, the fitness test was previously held as a separate component; however, with the new EPR change it is now incorporated into the “whole person concept.” It is now just one component of the category, for that rating period.
Is the Honor Guard mission ever expected to decrease or go away? Providing Airmen to support the Honor Guard requirement throughout the year can be painful.
Thank you for your interest in our Honor Guard Program. Scott Air Force Base has the busiest Honor Guard Program in Air Mobility Command and the third largest area of responsibility in the Air Force. We cover 208 counties, 110,000 square miles in 6 states and provide over 2,000 details annually. The Base Honor Guard Program is not limited to just Airmen: Staff Sergeants, Tech. Sergeants and Lieutenants are more than welcome to volunteer to ease the burden on the Airmen. The 375th Air Mobility Wing provides the Honor Guard program with 39 Airmen for six month rotations, and there are times that every member assigned is out on a detail at the same time. Given our large area of responsibilities, Congressional law and overwhelming pride in our mission, we are not expected to decrease our operations or manning.
Does the base have a contract to repair the fitness equipment?
Yes, we do, and the contractor services both of the Fitness Center and the James Gym. Our repair personnel repair all equipment as soon as possible when notified of any malfunctions or if they detect any issues during walk-throughs or inspections. If you notice any issues or problems with any of our fitness equipment, please immediately contact a member of our Fitness Center staff.
When Security Forces members are driving on base to respond to whatever the situation may be, is it not a policy when driving very fast through an intersection, to hit the loud horn to warn other drivers to stop and let them by?
Thank you for your concern for the safety of our base personnel. The use of emergency lights and sirens is situation-dependent. For example, Security Forces experts have found the use of sirens may have a startling effect on other drivers on the road, resulting in erratic and unpredictable driving behavior, which would be detrimental to our response and pose a threat to the safety of all motorists and pedestrians. We also note the use of emergency equipment is not justification for unsafe driving and does not automatically give our responders the right-of-way. We continually strive to ensure we take the safest measures when responding to calls.
Why did AMC Family Days change from the Friday before a holiday weekend to the Monday after? Many people prefer the Friday.
Great question. Family days are approved and signed by the respective MAJCOM and COCOM Commanders and can shift year to year based on various factors. We have passed your feedback on to AMC and they will bring it up for discussion in follow-on year planning.
There are many great programs offered off base for recreational sports. Is it possible at whatever expense out of my own pocket to start a youth Scott AFB football team?
Thank you for volunteering to help with our youth sports program. Youth Centers across the Air Force are not authorized to offer sports that may result in significant or frequent collisions involving the head or neck (e.g. tackle football, boxing, and wrestling) to youth below the age of 11 years (IAW AFI34-144, para 11.31.1). Scott AFB Youth Programs has not offered tackle football to our older youth in the past for several reasons to include safety risks, cost of equipment and the availability of numerous off-base youth football leagues in Mascoutah, O’Fallon, and Belleville. We have tried flag football, but it did not generate enough participants to continue the program. If you are interested coaching, we are offering a fundamental skills touch football camp for youth ages 9 and up from 1:30-3 p.m. July 24-26 at the Youth Center. We currently do not have any children registered. If you’d like to share your experience, please contact the Youth Center at 256-5139.