
The Squadron is where it’s at!

I recently had a lull from enlisted performance reports, so I decided to do a walkabout to visit some Airmen. I was headed down a remote hallway where there was not a lot of people around when a young Airman turned the corner and met me face-to-face.

I asked him, “How’s it going?” and he replied, “Good. It’s going good.”

“That’s great” I responded, and like I often do, not leaving it at that in order to stress the importance of feedback and to ensure that our Airmen are getting it, I continued, “you say it’s going good, but how do you know?”

He stood there perplexed for a moment, raised an eyebrow, and started to mouth a few words before a sound came out of his mouth, and then he responded, “I know, because I know my mission, I know the hard work and heart my team gives to achieve that mission, and we knock it out of the park every day.

 “I know because I know the pulse of my workcenter. We all feel the effect of every deployment, every augmentation, and every detail. The pride instilled in everything we do ensures nothing goes undone, regardless of the hours and sacrifices it takes.

“I know because I will not let my unit and the names I wear on my chest down ... my last name ... our United States ... and our Air Force. I know because no form driven praise, or pat on the back can capture who I am or why I do what I do. Quite simply, I am proud of, and make sure I live up to, being an American Airman!”

After picking my jaw up off the floor, I outstretched my hand; filled with inspiration I said, “Airman, I wish I had a squadron full of you.”

He met my hand with his in a firm, proud handshake, and with a raised eyebrow and smirk across his face replied, “Chief, you do!”