Inspector General The mission of the 375th AW Inspector General is to sustain a credible Air Force IG system by ensuring the existence of responsive complaint investigations and Fraud, Waste and Abuse programs characterized by objectivity, integrity and impartiality. The IG ensures the concerns of all complainants and the best interests of the Air Force are addressed through objective fact-finding. The IG strives to create an atmosphere that encourages submission of well-founded complaints. Any Air Force military or civilian member may file an IG complaint. The IG may also accept complaints from dependents or relatives of active-duty members, retirees and their dependents. As a complainant, you may contact an IG at any level without notifying your chain of command and without retaliation or fear of reprisal. No one can prohibit your access to the IG. However, experience has demonstrated that commanders and supervisors are in the best position to evaluate and resolve complaints. For this reason, you are encouraged to discuss your problems with your supervisor or commander before seeking assistance from the IG.